My first thoughts after I learned of my Grandma's parting

Created by Harriet 9 years ago
I wrote something the day I found out my Grandma died, and I sent it to my mum. I eventually found out that she wanted it put in the hymn sheet for her funeral, and I have since been asked to upload it here. I'm not sure if this is the right place to put it, but these are my initial thoughts after her parting. 22/2/2015 I found out that my Grandma died, today. I don’t really know what that means yet. Dad phoned me up at half five in the afternoon to tell me, and I still don’t know what to think. I found out that two members of this shared household have lost someone they loved in the past day. But what does that mean? The last thing I said to he, when I could hear her voice, was that Kingsman was an amazing movie. We last discussed pancakes and my appetite on facebook. I told her that I love her more times than I can count. I hugged her as hard as I could every time I left. I turned to her when I was afraid or conflicted. I don’t have anything left to say to her, because I’ve already said everything I wanted to. She was a wonderful, free spirited, young soul, and I will miss her so much it will hurt… I was told my Grandma died, today, but I don’t know what that means, because today, Grandma feels like she’s more alive than ever. Because people are remembering her. Because people are thinking of her. Because she was as special to others as she was to me. Because she’s not dead. Not really. My Grandma is alive. She is alive in every memory, every smile. She’s in every moment and thing that makes me think of her. She was my comfort and my family. She will never leave me. Because I love her, as all her granddaughters love her. As her daughters love her. As the family and friends she has made and earned loves her. She is alive. She will never die in our hearts. I was told that my Grandma died, today. I say that today, she lived. Harriet Lee